
Supporting our Festival

Hong Kong Festival Orchestra is a non-profit organization that presents innovative and high quality classical music programmes to cultivate music culture in Hong Kong. Your support is critical to us. Only with your generous sponsorships and advertisements, are we able to sustain the operation of the festival.
To support us and be our partner, you can:

Send us a Cheque

Send a cheque payable to “Hong Kong Festival Orchestra” to:
Hong Kong Festival Orchestra
33 Marble Road, North Point

Make a Bank Transfer

Make a bank transfer to HSBC account number 640-078374-001
and email the scanned receipt to festival@hkfo.org


Supporting our School

HKFO School of Music is a music enterprise established to cultivate interests and talent in music among our younger generations.  As a performance institution, HKFO School of Music's vision is to bring the best of our world today to teach the best of our world tomorrow.  Your support is pivotal to maintain our high artistic and educational standards. 
To support us and be our partner, you can:

Send us a Cheque

Send a cheque payable to “HKFO Limited” to:
Hong Kong School of Music
33 Marble Road, North Point

Make a Bank Transfer

Make a bank transfer to HSBC account number 582 340295 001
and email the scanned receipt to school@hkfo.org.

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to give us a call at (852) 3707 1860.
Thank you so much for your generous support!